

It’s Camp Time Again!

The Burbank Coordinating Council has sponsored the Campership Program since 1936, which allows needy children aged 8-18 to attend a week of resident or day-camp during the Summer.  Each year we send young people to accredited camps include: Burbank Parks and Recreation Camps, Burbank YMCA, Golden State Gymnastics, Forest Home Children’s Camp, YMCA Camp Edwards, and more.

We receive 100 to 200 applications each year and last year, with your generosity, we sent 104 children to camp!  Our goal and the reason for this letter is to provide all of the children that apply an opportunity for a campership. A donation of $400.00 will send a child to a resident camp for a week, $200.00 will send a needy child to day camp for a week. Any donation, $75.00, $50.00, $25.00 or $10.00 will help provide opportunities for these children who would otherwise never afford a camping experience.

Every family meets federal food program low-income guidelines. These children come from families where life is difficult so camp is their only opportunity to relax and “just be kids.”  A week away at camp can change the lives of these deserving young people. They bring back more than dirty clothes …. they also bring a raised sense of self-esteem, self-reliance and new friends. Campers come back hot, sweaty, dirty and with great big smiles and memories to last a lifetime! It is an amazing adventure!

Please consider sending a donation of any amount to help these kids this year!  We are a 501(c)3 so as always, your donation is tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Call us at (818) 216-9377 or email with any questions and again thank you for your generosity.  Your participation is the key to the success of the Campership Program! Please see our donation page for information on how to help or click on the Donate button below to donate through PayPal.

Schools are helping with Coins for Campers project, so anytime you visit a school or go to the Burbank Unified School District office, please feel welcome to drop in coins or bills or checks into, a Coins-for-Campers bottle

If you or your business or neighborhood would like Camper collection bottles, please contact us at (818) 216-9377. We deliver and pick up to make it convenient for you!

We appreciate donations year-round and those monies will go directly to the camps for kids. If using PayPal, just earmark your donation for the program you choose, or we will use it wherever the need is greatest.

Camp changes Lives……you can too!